Guimet / 10x10 DOWN THE ROAD from L'Anse Aux Meadows is a whole collection of teeny little towns that apparently live generally on tourism and specifically on Viking tourism - with a little fishing thrown in. The proliferation of Viking-related stuff is overwhelming. It's so relentless that, over the course of an afternoon paying attention, it becomes ridiculous. Snorri Cabins? Val Halla Hotel? I shake my head at how the incredible fact of the Vikings landing in L'Anse Aux Meadows has become co-opted to sell everything from coffee to delivery services. I make this painting standing beside a closed and shuttered restaurant. The town of Guimet seems to be sheltered a bit from the relentless wind - but is full of Viking adverts. *** Dog of the Day MET THIS GUY at a show this summer. I'm not seeing the dogs I usually find on my travels! Maybe Newfoundlanders don't have so many dogs? Many of the people I meet ...