
Showing posts from August 1, 2018

Getting Ready to Head North

Good morning, sponsors! In less than two weeks, I'll be heading to Newfoundland. My friend and co-conspirator Carol Baney will be coming with me for the first part of the trip, then I will be on my lonesome. Newfoundland - which is pronounced with the same stresses as "understand"  - is the smaller part of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, which is the official name of the province.  Its first inhabitants were members of the Dorset culture, a pre-Inuit culture that lasted from about 500 BC to 1000-1500 AD, according to Wikipedia. Newfoundland was England's first colony, and Newfoundlanders speak English, though I've been warned that it can be an English that's a little different than what we speak down here. These days, the population of Newfoundland is about half a million. Here are some other cool facts: The most easterly point in North America is in Newfoundland, at Cape Spear.  L'Anse Aux Meadows is the only authenticated Vi