On the River in Truro

On the River in Truro / 16x16 THERE SEEMS TO BE a lot of geographical bragging about the Bay of Fundy tides and tidal bores. The tides are highest in Burntcoat Head in Nova Scotia, according to several people, and one page on the Internet. These guys were behind us on the road and could tell we were looking for something According to a sign we see, the tides are highest in the town of Hants. No, the tidal bore is best in Truro, on the Salmon River, says Kathy at the Truro information station, and this is echoed by two nice guys who think we are lost and stop to help. But no, says a woman at the information center in South Maitland, the bore is best in South Maitland, where the railroad bridge used to be. “Bore” is an old Norse word for “wave.” When the water from the rising tide in the Bay of Fundy is funneled into the Shubenacadie River, the narrowed channel, huge amount of water and topography of the river floor c...