O, Canada!
A few seconds after I take this photo, we are in Canada! AFTER A COUPLE DAYS of driving, and a night at Wendilee's, we hit the border at St. Stephen's, New Brunswick. The border guard, Jordan, asks for our passports and we hand them over. He is a young man, clean-shaven, a little humorless. He asks the purpose of our trip, and we tell him tourism. He asks if we have anything in the van that we are planning to leave in Canada. Electronics, televisions, gifts? No. Our hotel in Truro. Love how her pants match the hanging flowers. "Do you have any guns, mace or self-protective devices?" he asks. "Do you think we need some?" I ask. He doesn't find me funny. Doesn't crack a smile. Even so, he lets us into Canada and we are on our way. It is really exciting to be in another country. And it is really different, immediately. It feels different. It looks different. The streets are a different width. The highway signs are worded differ...