Eddie's Cove

Eddie's Cove / 16x16

I'M HAVING ONE of those days, those magical days, when everything I try works. I can't do anything wrong. Even if I put down a mark I don't like, I'm able to morph it into a mark that I do like. 

I am trying things I usually don't try, attempting landscapes I usually wouldn't attempt, and it is all coming together in a way that is making me joyful. Gleeful. Grateful. 

A painter doesn't get many of these days in a lifetime, I suspect, and I ride it for all it's worth, making three paintings, painting until I am absolutely exhausted, until my shoulder is aching, until I can't paint any more. 

What a day! 

Some More Road Art
I see ANOTHER driveway with rocks just like this, in an even smaller town near King's Cove. I ask four people in the area if this is a thing, some quilter thing or some political thing, but they all say they have no idea what it means, if anything. 


I see buildings with doors like this all over the place. 
Someone tells me they're called "Mother-in-Law doors."

I just have no idea. 

Dog of the Day

IT'S PETER AND Beatrix, bunnies at Rocky Brook Cabins in Cormack. The owners of the establishment tell me that by next year, they're going to have a whole petting zoo, with sheep and goats and pigs and who knows what else. Peter and Beatrix are the start! 

A Final Thought

"Tourists don't know where they've been. Travelers don't know where they're going." 

- Paul Theroux


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