Bonavista Church

THE FOG IS THICK as I leave St. John's on my first morning without Carol. I've had the oil changed in Bella, the big van. I've bought some groceries, had a little rest, caught up a bit on my newsletter and the Newfoundland blog, and I am ready to start the return journey toward Channel Port-Aux-Basques - but the fog is so heavy on the Trans-Canada Highway that I don't feel safe driving.

I could come upon a stopped car, a pile-up or a moose, and I wouldn't see it in time to stop. In about a half-hour, the fog lifts enough for me to feel safe and so I set off again. For a part of the drive, I have a clear blue sky and sunshine!

In Bonavista, I pull off to paint this church that Carol and I saw when we were there the first time. I really like this painting and might do another, larger one, either today or when I get home.

Mama Girl

THIS HAS NOTHING to do with my trip or Newfoundland, but it is weighing on me, and I need to write about it. 

Mama-Girl Onley, a sweet and gentle person of faith, and an amazing and inspiring artist, has died. Cancer took her, earlier this week. 

I feel very lucky to have known her, and to have a couple pieces of her work. Even luckier to have talked with her, talked about life and art and God and creativity and family and joy. 

It makes me very sad to imagine the world without Mama-Girl in it, and without any more of her amazing, fun, colorful, life-affirming art. 

Above, in the middle, is a Mama-Girl painting that Peter and I bought years ago. 

Dog of the Day

It's Koko! I've really been missing her, and Peter sent me this photo, 
so it seems just right that she is the Dog of the Day today. 
It must have rained, and she is hiding in the outdoor shower stall
because she doesn't like getting her dainty little feet wet.

A Final Thought

"Like all great travelers, I have seen more than I remember, 
and remember more than I've seen." 

- Benjamin Disraeli


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